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Running in Austria

Show on the map There are 73 areas in Austria. See them all below. Graz, KG Leopoldstadt, Salzburg, Linz and Vienna has the most runnable places.

Highly rated places to run in Austria

HauptalleeHauptallee and Prater Park are popular places to run in this area.

HauptalleeHauptallee / KG Leopoldstadt 4.2km flat asphalt/concrete running route
Prater Park / KG Leopoldstadt Flat asphalt/concrete running spot

Climate in Austria

The yearly average temperature in Austria ranges from 3°C38°F in Innsbruck to 11°C51°F in Gemeinde St. Pölten.

More detailed information about the weather in Austria can be found on the page for each city.

Comments on places around Austria

Visit report on Schulsportanlage FOS/BOS
The track belongs to a school and has signs of no entry
Visit report on 400m cinder track
The track is open to public but there are specific opening times, I believe it is 9am to 5pm and t..
Visit report on Bezirkssportanlage Sendling-Westpark
Closed most likely until ed of 2024.
Visit report on Schulsportanlage FOS/BOS
Track of the nearby school, there could be issues when used during lessons. Today it was raining a..
Piotr - on Sportanlage Perlach
it is FC Perlach, Pullach is another city district.

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In Austria


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