Bois de la Cambre and Parc de Bruxelles are popular places to run in this area.
September might be one of the most pleasant months for running in Belgium. The temperature usually ranges from about 11°C52°F to 19°C67°F, the wind averages 3.4m/s7.7mph and the daily precipitation is 2 mm0.1 inches.
More detailed information about the weather in Belgium can be found on the page for each city.
I asked a crew member. He said, not open to the public in theory, but still he said I could do my ..
Not crowded in the ”square” that most runners frequent when running here. More crowded on the smal..
I asked a crew member. He said, not open to the public in theory, but still he said I could do my ..
Not crowded in the ”square” that most runners frequent when running here. More crowded on the smal..
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