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Running in Brazil

Show on the map There are 140 areas in Brazil. See them all below. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and SSA has the most runnable places.

Good to know about running in Brazil

Information about racing in Brazil as a foreigner can be found here (in portuguese).

Highly rated places to run in Brazil

Parque Ibirapuera / São Paulo Flat asphalt/concrete running spot
Universidade de São Paulo / São Paulo Asphalt/Concrete running spot with some hills

About track availability in Brazil

The tracks are mostly administered by the government (federal, state, municipal), those that can be used by the general public, are those that are not used for high-performance sports.
Parque Villa-Lobos / São Paulo Asphalt/Concrete running spot with some hills
Around LagoaAround Lagoa / Rio de Janeiro 7.4km asphalt/concrete running route with some hills

Blog posts mentioning Brazil

Athens Marathon 2004 – Thrown off by a Priest in RTR-blog.
...The event was being led by Vanderlei de Lima, a runner from Brazil ....
Iconic Races in RTR-blog.
...Saint Sylvester Road Race – São Paulo , Brazil The Saint Sylvester Road Race is a 15km road event that takes place on New Year’s Eve every year, also known as Saint Sylvester’s Day....

Comments on places around Brazil

Luiz - on Pista de Atletismo - Cepeusp
The CEPEUSP sports complex is a great spot to run, the track is excellent, well maintained and the..
Visit report on Universidade de São Paulo
As a local, I can say the Univerdidade de São Paulo (USP) campus is one of the best places to run ..

Do you know of a YouTube video about running here?

In Brazil

São Paulo | Rio de Janeiro | Porto Alegre | Belo Horizonte | SSA | Cuiabá | Campinas | Brasília | Bauru | Porto Velho | Manaus | Guaratinguetá | Goiânia | Boa Vista | Itu | Feira de Santana | Caxias do Sul | Piracicaba | São Carlos | Uberlândia | Plano Piloto | Fortaleza | João Pessoa | Lavras | Recife | Nova Friburgo | São Bernardo do Campo | Santo André | Osasco | Guarulhos | Ribeirão Pires | Suzano | Maceió | Jundiaí | Macapá | Medianeira | Centro | Cascavel | Campina Grande | Resende | Juiz de Fora | Barbacena | Anápolis | Canoas | Sorocaba | Lençóis Paulista | Limeira | Rio Claro | Araras | Araraquara | Aracaju | Belém | Blumenau | Bragança Paulista | Florianópolis | Jaraguá do Sul | Pouso Alegre | Alto do Parque | Maringá | Natal | Palmas | São Luís | Simões Filho | Teresina | Jacareí | Sobradinho | Águas Claras | Rio das Ostras | Curitiba | São José dos Pinhais | Cotia | São Caetano do Sul | Mauá | Foz do Iguaçu | Taubaté | Camaçari | Ponta Grossa | Vila Thomazina | Jardim Baldissera | Jardim Terra das Paineiras | Jardim Adelaide | Lorena | São Miguel do Iguaçu | Sta Terezinha Itaipu | Rolim de Moura | Londrina | Campo Grande | Ariquemes | Ji-Paraná | Vila Rio Branco | Jardim Maringá | Bela Vista | Itapetininga | Tatuí | Salto | Indaiatuba | Franco da Rocha | Centro Antigo | Atibaia | Itatiba | Vila Bossi | Vinhedo | Sumaré | Americana | Santa Bárbara dOeste | Cachoeira Paulista | Nossa Senhora da Agonia | Volta Redonda | Paraíba do Sul | Ipatinga | Vitória da Conquista | Universitário | Cristo Rei | Novo Hamburgo | Vila Rosa | Parobé | Bom Pastor | Moura | Logradouro | Navegantes | Peterlongo | Bento Gonçalves | Guarapuava | Santa Rosa | Fraron | Francisco Beltrão | Luziânia | Aparecida | Votorantim | Botucatu | Macatuba | Pedreira | Jardim América | São Francisco | Ibaté | Luiz Ometto I | Jardim Paraíso II | Nova Matão | Itajaí | Lago Sul Show all areas


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