Those looking for a flat course with firm surface can go to Parque Municipal Américo Renné Giannetti, Praça da Liberdade, Lagoa da Pampulha or Santa Lucia Dam.
Lagoa da Pampulha | Santa Lucia Dam | Parque Municipal Américo Renné Giannetti | Praça da Liberdade
Centro de Treinamento Esportivo | Academia de Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais | Colégio Militar de Belo Horizonte | Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais
A normal day in , the temperature ranges between about °C °F and °C°F.
The line represents the average temperature. The faded area represents the most likely temperature span. The temperature is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average dew point. The faded area represents the most likely dew point span. The dew point is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average wind speed.
The CEPEUSP sports complex is a great spot to run, the track is excellent, well maintained and the..
As a local, I can say the Univerdidade de São Paulo (USP) campus is one of the best places to run ..
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