Riegrovy sady track, Park Ladronka and Reálné gymnázium Otto Wichterleho are popular places to run in this area.
Czechia gets cold and snowy in the winters. Be prepared for temperatures of around -10°C20°F .
September might be one of the most pleasant months for running in Czechia. The temperature usually ranges from about 10°C49°F to 19°C66°F, the wind averages 2.6m/s5.8mph and the daily precipitation is 2 mm0.1 inches.
More detailed information about the weather in Czechia can be found on the page for each city.
Coordinates of the entrance: 50,0789336, 14,4415055 On the left of the restaurant: Bar Hvezda. No ..
The public is only allowed to run on the line laid with sawdust, not on the cinder.
Coordinates of the entrance: 50,0789336, 14,4415055 On the left of the restaurant: Bar Hvezda. No ..
The public is only allowed to run on the line laid with sawdust, not on the cinder.
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