Monsanto Park, Pista de Atletismo Alfamar and Mata Nacional das Dunas de Vila Real are popular places to run in this area.
Some parts of Portugal, like Sé, Santa Maria e Meixedo, can get snow in the winters. Warmer parts like Ponta Delgada usually don't. The yearly average temperatures in these areas are 12°C54°F and 18°C65°F respectively.
One of the best areas for running, temperature-wise, should be around Leiria. The temperature there seldom gets below 5°C40°F or over 30°C80°F.
More detailed information about the weather in Portugal can be found on the page for each city.
Contacted to see if it was possible to do some training sessions there. Was told that was complete..
This track is NOT open to the public. I was told that sometimes they allow people to train on the ..
Contacted to see if it was possible to do some training sessions there. Was told that was complete..
This track is NOT open to the public. I was told that sometimes they allow people to train on the ..
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