Gorky Park is a popular place to run in this area.
The climate differs a lot in different parts of Russia. The yearly average temperature in Norilsk is -9°C16°F compared to Sochi where it is 14°C57°F.
More detailed information about the weather in Russia can be found on the page for each city.
The track is red clay/dirt. It is not cared for/ there is no upkeep of the track. There are many o..
There's loads of park trails to run, free and open to all. Except in winter, when most of them are..
It's not flat, the park is total uphill in one way and downhill in another. There is no path to ru..
I ran this in Feb 2023. I would suggest taking bus #1 (there are other buses also) and then getti..
?500 per person per hour to enter. Old school Soviet stadium, 8 lanes, not *perfectly* flat all of..
The track is red clay/dirt. It is not cared for/ there is no upkeep of the track. There are many o..
There's loads of park trails to run, free and open to all. Except in winter, when most of them are..
It's not flat, the park is total uphill in one way and downhill in another. There is no path to ru..
I ran this in Feb 2023. I would suggest taking bus #1 (there are other buses also) and then getti..
?500 per person per hour to enter. Old school Soviet stadium, 8 lanes, not *perfectly* flat all of..
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