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Running in Piteå kommun

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Introduction to running in Piteå kommun

There are some great outdoor routes to run in Piteå, but you need to be aware that most of them turn in to ski tracks during winter season, which can be quite long up north. Since Piteå is a rather small town, you will find a route, track or running spot pretty close by almost wherever you are.
Read more about running in Sweden.

Good to know about running in Piteå kommun

As mentioned above, most of the city's routes (like Strömlida motionsspår and Grisberget) are turned into ski tracks during winter.

Central runs in Piteå kommun

Strömlida motionsspår has a route that's only 1,2 km from the city centre. The route is hilly and approx. 3,2 km.

2,5 km from the city centre you can find Grisberget ski centre which has the following routes:
Grisberget 2.3km
Grisberget 3.5km
Grisberget 5km

Scenic runs in Piteå kommun

If you run from Svartudden along the shoreline towards the city centre, and just follow the same walkway along the water you will enjoy a very scenic run.

Best places for workouts in Piteå kommun

If you want to get a gym session in you can find an outdoor gym at the start of the Strömlida route. There is also a ski slope that's rather steep close by where you can get a serious hill workout in.
Read more about working out in Sweden.

Winter running in Piteå kommun

Winters in Piteå kommun can get cold and snowy. December through April might see snow and the temperature is often below -15°C0°F . December and January are especially snowy with an average of about 15.6 cm0.6 inches of snow per day. The days are short and in December it is only bright out between about 1111 AM and 142 PM.

See more weather info below

Devoted track runners who wants to workout on an indoor track; try Skoogs Arena.

NoliastigenNoliastigen is suitable for running year round and has electic lighting.

Strömlida motionsspår, Furubergsspåret 2.7kmFurubergsspåret 2.7km, Grisberget 3.5kmGrisberget 3.5km and Grisberget 5kmGrisberget 5km also has lighting.

Your favourite running surface in Piteå kommun


Created by Hanna Kjellman 3929 - LinkedIn
Hanna Kjellman - GDPR-ninja, runners high-addict, marathon survivor
GDPR-ninja, runners high-addict, marathon survivor

In other languages

Blog posts mentioning Sweden

Damian Nevins - runner and coach from London in RTR-blog.

Running routes Running routes in Piteå kommun


Weather in Piteå kommun

Weather data by OikoLab.

A normal day in , the temperature ranges between about °C °F and °C°F.

Temperatures in

The line represents the average temperature. The faded area represents the most likely temperature span. The temperature is within this area 80% of the times.

Humidity in

The line represents the average dew point. The faded area represents the most likely dew point span. The dew point is within this area 80% of the times.

Wind in

The line represents the average wind speed.

Comments on places around Piteå kommun

Visit report on NoliastigenNoliastigen
Snowy and has not been plowed but still useable if you run slowly and with icebugs:)
Anonymous user - on Strömlida motionsspår
The ski tracks are gone, just a little bit snow left in a few places :)

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