Guilford High School, A.I. Prince Technical High School, Daniel Hand High School, Silfen Field, Fairfield Warde High School and Darien High School are popular places to run in this area.
Connecticut gets cold and snowy in the winters. Be prepared for temperatures of around -15°C10°F .
If you like running in the heat better you might enjoy the summers in Connecticut. The average daily max temperatures reaches around 30°C87°F.
May might be one of the most pleasant months for running in Connecticut. The temperature usually ranges from about 11°C51°F to 22°C71°F, the wind averages 2.9m/s6.5mph and the daily precipitation is 3 mm0.1 inches.
More detailed information about the weather in Connecticut can be found on the page for each city.
The track is open to the public after school hours and maybe close to the public during school eve..
I Ran track for HS here and I can attest to the fact that Weaver has a really good track. Even in ..
Further up north you go the more hills, trees and less businesses you will see. Plan routes, nutri..
The track is open to the public after school hours and maybe close to the public during school eve..
I Ran track for HS here and I can attest to the fact that Weaver has a really good track. Even in ..
Further up north you go the more hills, trees and less businesses you will see. Plan routes, nutri..
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