Greenwood Middle School, Franklin Central High School, Columbus North High School, The Bernard and Linnie Key Track and Field Complex, Clifford Pierce Middle School and Tolleston Park are popular places to run in this area.
Indiana gets cold and snowy in the winters. Be prepared for temperatures of around -15°C0°F .
If you like running in the heat better you might enjoy the summers in Indiana. The average daily max temperatures reaches around 31°C88°F.
September might be one of the most pleasant months for running in Indiana. The temperature usually ranges from about 14°C57°F to 25°C78°F, the wind averages 3.1m/s7mph and the daily precipitation is 3 mm0.1 inches.
More detailed information about the weather in Indiana can be found on the page for each city.
People shouldn’t walk there dogs on the track or the grass in the circled..
Hours are 7am to 2pm during school year and 7am til Dark in the summer. No pets or wheels allowed.
Sign at the entrance posted for "Residents - Only"... It has four lanes, faded marking... more or ..
This school is closed, has been for a couple of years. This court my no longer be accessible or ..
People shouldn’t walk there dogs on the track or the grass in the circled..
Hours are 7am to 2pm during school year and 7am til Dark in the summer. No pets or wheels allowed.
Sign at the entrance posted for "Residents - Only"... It has four lanes, faded marking... more or ..
This school is closed, has been for a couple of years. This court my no longer be accessible or ..
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