Morton Middle School | Ishmael Stadium | Bryan Station High School | Paul Laurence Dunbar High School | Transylvania University Athletic Complex | Henry Clay High School | Tates Creek High School | Frederick Douglass High School | 400m synthetic track | Track | Track Show all tracks
A normal day in , the temperature ranges between about °C °F and °C°F.
The line represents the average temperature. The faded area represents the most likely temperature span. The temperature is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average dew point. The faded area represents the most likely dew point span. The dew point is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average wind speed.
Lexington Fayette County closes the gates 90% of the time for unknown reasons
Lexington Fayette County closes the gates 90% of the time for unknown reasons
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