Belen High School and Marshall Middle School are popular places to run in this area.
The climate differs a lot in different parts of New Mexico. The yearly average temperature in Santa Fe is 7°C44°F compared to Artesia where it is 18°C65°F.
More detailed information about the weather in New Mexico can be found on the page for each city.
Lots of great bike paths and trails around the city and along the river.
High Altitude, hilly terrain. Running North-South is fairly flat, East-West gets hilly quickly. Li..
Built fence looks like they are closing it
Why do I pay taxes anymore.
The synthetic surface was scraped off. Now it is bare asphalt with cracks and weeds growing.
Lots of great bike paths and trails around the city and along the river.
High Altitude, hilly terrain. Running North-South is fairly flat, East-West gets hilly quickly. Li..
Built fence looks like they are closing it
Why do I pay taxes anymore.
The synthetic surface was scraped off. Now it is bare asphalt with cracks and weeds growing.
Please post about running and in English. Other posts may be removed.