Van Cortlandt Park, Central park, John V. Lindsay East River Park Track, Wingate park, Forest Park and Bellport High School are popular places to run in this area.
The yearly average temperature in New York ranges from 5°C41°F in Moody to 13°C55°F in New York City.
More detailed information about the weather in New York can be found on the page for each city.
After being open all summer, the gates have been locked as of late August. Not sure if it has some..
Track is poorly maintained, surface is not level, no lane markings. Also community does not seem t..
Running in Yonkers is pretty easy as almost all high schools have a track around their field for e..
Shorter than 400yd asphalt track. 40+ year old lines are still barely visible on 3/4 of the track,..
The track is open to the public after school hours and maybe close to the public during school eve..
After being open all summer, the gates have been locked as of late August. Not sure if it has some..
Track is poorly maintained, surface is not level, no lane markings. Also community does not seem t..
Running in Yonkers is pretty easy as almost all high schools have a track around their field for e..
Shorter than 400yd asphalt track. 40+ year old lines are still barely visible on 3/4 of the track,..
The track is open to the public after school hours and maybe close to the public during school eve..
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