Find where to run in Sycamore, Ohio -
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Running in Sycamore

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Best places for workouts in Sycamore

Read about working out in United States.

Highly rated places to run in Sycamore

William Patrick McPherson Memorial Stadium is a popular place to run in this area.

Tracks Running tracks in Sycamore

CHCA Highschool | Mohawk High School | Mohawk High School

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The track at Mohawk High School is missing some info

Please fill out the form below if you have the local knowledge to help your fellow runners.
Open to the public
Free of charge
Track length (m)
Has lighting
Link to official site for the track
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Comments on places around Sycamore

Tim - on Kettering Middle School
Track is concrete
Anonymous user - on Kettering
Running on the sidewalks are ok. After dark be careful, lights are hit and miss.
Norm - on Kettering Middle School
I ran on that track in the 90’s and it is ok. The school used it for Jr high track meets and train..
Anonymous user - on Dayton
The Payne Recreational Center in Moraine (Dayton) Ohio is quite good. Indoor track and an excellen..

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