If you need an open track in Dauphin County; Landis Field is marked as open to the public.
Catherine Hall - Milton Hershey Middle School | Bishop McDevitt High School | Hershey High School | Henry Hershey Field | Hershey Elementary School
A normal day in , the temperature ranges between about °C °F and °C°F.
The line represents the average temperature. The faded area represents the most likely temperature span. The temperature is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average dew point. The faded area represents the most likely dew point span. The dew point is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average wind speed.
Please post about running and in English. Other posts may be removed.
Some designated places for running, small roads, and lots of traffic.
Some designated places for running, small roads, and lots of traffic.