Roxborough High School, Track and Thomas Alva Edison High School are popular places to run in this area.
A normal day in , the temperature ranges between about °C °F and °C°F.
The line represents the average temperature. The faded area represents the most likely temperature span. The temperature is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average dew point. The faded area represents the most likely dew point span. The dew point is within this area 80% of the times.
The line represents the average wind speed.
You can only do multiples of 440yd accurately. No markings for less than a lap.
It had a nice natural breeze from the trees going. Depending on the time of day you'll see people ..
Went today and the gate was open. Not sure if this will be the norm. Will report back next week.
I definitely recommend, as long as you're not sprinting. Sprinting can get problematic because of ..
You can only do multiples of 440yd accurately. No markings for less than a lap.
It had a nice natural breeze from the trees going. Depending on the time of day you'll see people ..
Went today and the gate was open. Not sure if this will be the norm. Will report back next week.
Can you help a brother find any where to train in Fredericksburg va.
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