Rakovski Stadium in Triadica, Bulgaria - runtrack.run
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Rakovski Stadium

400m gravel/dirt track in Triadica
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Open to the public
Free entry
About 600m above sea level2000ft above sea level
Has lighting
Track quality
Rakovski Stadium, bul. Petko Yu. Todorov, ?.?. ???? ????, ?.?. ?????????, Triadica, Sofia City, Sofia-City, 1408, Bulgaria
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The weather around here in March is usually cool and occasionally snowy. See details below
Approximate lengths of straights/curves
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If you would like to run on other surfaces, try Vasil Levski or Bulgarian army.
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: Reported open
Not reported to be crowded
No disturbances reported
VISIT REPORT by Anonymous user - regarding

The track is red clay/dirt. It is not cared for/ there is no upkeep of the track. There are many overgrown areas with shrubery and bushes and there are no proper lanes. There are also no lights for evening running. The track is open access however at all times.
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VISIT REPORT by Anonymous user - regarding

The track is red clay/dirt. It is not cared for/ there is no upkeep of the track. There are many overgrown areas with shrubery and bushes and there are no proper lanes. There are also no lights for evening running. The track is open access however at all times.

The track at Rakovski Stadium is missing some info

Please fill out the form below if you have the local knowledge to help your fellow runners.
Status in winter conditions
Link to official site for the track

Weather around Rakovski Stadium

Weather data by OikoLab.

A normal day in , the temperature ranges between about °C °F and °C°F.

Temperatures in

The line represents the average temperature. The faded area represents the most likely temperature span. The temperature is within this area 80% of the times.

Humidity in

The line represents the average dew point. The faded area represents the most likely dew point span. The dew point is within this area 80% of the times.

Wind in

The line represents the average wind speed.

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Running spots Running spots close by

South Park | Borisova gradina | Park Zaimov | West Park

Tracks Tracks close by

Vasil Levski | Bulgarian army
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