Someone is searching for where to run in your area. What would you like them to see?
It could be your running store, race, group or whatever you like!
All you need to do is to create a free profile and add some content.
Places with some missing information will display a form asking for this. Use your local knowledge to supply surface, availability etc on these places.
What would a runner visiting your area benefit from knowing?
See an example
Make the page even better by adding missing tracks, running spots and routes.
You will be credited for your work and allowed to display a link of your choice. You will also get exposure in our social media.
And at the same time you will help the running community. Chances are that the area you will be visiting will have the same information.
To protect the integrity of our information; commercial information is not allowed outside of the author info.
Email titled "Ambassador" if you want to display an image with your user and you will get presented on the start page as well.