Running spots -
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Running spots on RUN:TRACK:RUN

A running spot is a free and public park or similar that is suitable for running. There are 1151 running spots on RUN:TRACK:RUN. You can find running spots on the search page and filter by surface, profile and more.

You can easily add missing information by submitting the form on a spot page. If your favourite running spot is missing, you can add it here.

When you contribute to RUN:TRACK:RUN you help fellow runners. If you are signed in you can display a link to your running related service to the runners searching your area.

Running spot icon Running spots are shown on the map with this tree icon.

The most popular running spots on RUN:TRACK:RUN

Stanley Park / Vancouver / British Columbia / Canada Asphalt/Concrete running spot with some hills
Forest Park / Portland / Oregon / United States Very hilly trail running spot
Bushy Park / London / United Kingdom Flat asphalt/concrete running spot
Central park / New York City / New York / United States Asphalt/Concrete running spot with some hills
Centennial Park / Sydney / New South Wales / Australia
Villa Borghese / Rome / Italy
Phoenix Park / Dublin / Ireland
Bosque de Chapultepec / Miguel Hidalgo / Mexico
Karlbergs slottspark
Ivan Franko Park
Yoyogi Park
Al Bidda Park
Van Cortlandt Park
Griffith Park
Mata Nacional das Dunas de Vila Real
Amager Fælled
Meskel Square
Bosc de Bellver
Fort Tryon Park
McAlpine Creek Park